Growth Mindset

Ask How will they learn best? Not Can they learn?

– Jaime Escalante

a growth mindset

*Conceived by Stanford University Psychologist Carol Dweck and colleagues.

By embracing a growth mindset, organizations and their employees can expand their thinking, foster a problem-solving approach to all things, challenge the status quo, develop new ideas and encourage being outstanding.

Our Growth Mindset program helps with the following:

Signs that your organization may NOT have a Growth Mindset approach?

Your team is challenged with:

  • Adapting to new circumstances, processes, or technologies
  • Welcoming new employees in their departments
  • Communicating with different age groups, genders or cultures
  • Finding positive and constructive solutions to disagreements
  • Making decisions due to uncertainty
Challenged with icon

The GLO Group’s belief is that all people have the capacity to learn, evolve and grow and it is our mission to help your organization and employees reach their fullest potential.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a no commitment 15-minute consultation.

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